Weight loss medication: Part III

Many of my clients have a similar set of challenges:

  • mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS), histamine intolerance or increased reactivity to their food and/or their environment,

  • abdominal discomfort following eating,

  • small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) and

  • constipation.

The link between each of these challenges is poor motility. Motility is the movement of food through the digestive system and the movement of waste products out in stool. If motility is poor, food isn’t being digested, absorbed and utilised efficiently, instead it is hanging around in the digestive system causing havoc. If motility is poor, bowel movements are unreliable and there is no daily, easy-to-pass, well-formed, easy-to-wipe and flush bowel movement. Waste products are not being eliminated efficiently, they are also hanging around causing havoc. 

If any of this sounds familiar to you, please note that one of the mechanisms of action of the weight loss medications is to delay gastric emptying. The benefit of this delay in gastric emptying can be that you feel fuller and more satisfied for longer after eating (and therefore eat less). However, you can easily guess the potential downside - if you already have a tendency to poor motility and abdominal discomfort after eating or drinking, the weight loss medication may not be a good fit for you. Whether a prescription of weight loss medication is appropriate is not a matter for me, that is a question for your doctor. For my part, I would advise doing some work on optimising your digestion first. There is so much which can be done via the content of your plate of food, the timing of your meals and carefully targeted strategies to switch on your digestive system, all of which combine to make an enormous difference to how comfortable you feel within your body. 

If you would like to feel more comfortable in your body, I would suggest starting with the Power of Food package. The Power of Food package is 3 sessions spread out over one month. My clients are really surprised at how much can be achieved in such a short space of time. Find out more and read my testimonials here:

If you would like to book a free Zoom call to discuss which approach would be right for you, please use the button below.


But what if health isn’t all about weight?


Weight loss medication: Part II