Weight loss medication: Part II

This is article for you if:

  • you are trying to limit rebound weight gain when you stop taking weight loss medication such as Mounjaro, Ozempic and Wegovy,

  • you want to lose weight without taking medication.

What is the point of food?

Over the past decades two very important things have happened:

  • we have been brainwashed into viewing food as the enemy,

  • we have been subjected to an avalanche of hyper-palatable foods which are manufactured with the intention of encouraging excessive eating.

Is it any wonder that there is such confusion around what is “healthy” to eat or “good” for us? Is it any wonder that our weight has increased, whilst our health has declined?

We have completely lost sight of the fact that real food is our life force. What we eat determines how we feel, how well we do at work, the amount of patience we have at home, our capacity to exercise, our ability to build a joyful, long and active life… We can harness the power of a nutrient-rich plate to help us feel great and, yes, to lose weight as needed.

In Part I, I explained that the weight loss medication works by activating GLP-1 receptors in the brain which leads to suppression of appetite, slower gastric emptying and regulation of blood sugar levels. These effects can combine to result in significant weight loss.

Did you know that we have many ways at our disposal to stimulate our own GLP-1 production and activation of the GLP-1 receptors to achieve the same effects in our bodies? Did you know that we can use food to activate our GLP-1 receptors?

Eat for health, then stop

The research (and the lived experience of myself and my clients) tells us that:

  • Nuts, avocados and eggs activate GLP-1 receptors.

  • Diets rich in soluble fibre increase GLP-1 secretion too (soluble fibre is found in flaxseed, lentils, beans, pears, apples, carrots, broccoli, cabbage, sprouts - the list is huge).

  • Adding olive oil to a meal increases GLP-1 secretion.

  • Amino acids (the breakdown products from dietary proteins such as meat, fish and chickpeas) stimulate GLP-1 secretion.

  • Hemp seeds (my superstar food source) are particularly good at increasing GLP-1 secretion.

    (PMID 27990172, PMID 34716790).

The bottom line is that because all of these foods lead us to feel full and satisfied, it suddenly becomes much easier to stop eating. Eating more than we need for health becomes a thing of the past.

Start with breakfast

When working with my clients, we start with breakfast and tune into the benefits of a protein, healthy fat and fibre-rich breakfast on the rest of our morning. The photo alongside this article shows a simple GLP-1 promoting plate of food - eggs, salad leaves, kimchi, pumpkin seeds and tomatoes. Simple, but satisfying. Nourishing, not excessive. 

If you would like my support in organising your eating, please do book a free Zoom call using the button below and we can discuss working together.


Weight loss medication: Part III


Weight loss medication: Part I